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The University of Southampton
Public Policy|Southampton

Collaboration with New Forest National Park Authority

New Forest National Park Authority
New Forest National Park Authority

Developing a Green Recovery offer for ‘South/South Coast’ Region

The Hampshire Local Resilience Forum (LRF) has identified ‘Green Recovery’ as a key element of its approach to recovery from Covid19.  An impact assessment has been prepared and wider thinking started on developing a framework for Green Recovery.

New Forest National Park Authority have been leading on this initiative and have been particularly looking to draw together data and evidence to support decisions and assist with designing the most effective and impactful interventions for a green recovery.

To support the development of a green recovery framework and indicators to guide a cross-sectoral partnership to work together to achieve the vision for a green recovery and position this region as a pioneer for policy and practice, Public Policy|Southampton have organised a 3 month PhD placement to run between November 2020 and January 2021.

The work include:

  1. Conducting literature review, placing the local work in a national and global context and describing key drivers for change
  2. Reviewing and identifying best practice/case studies on green recovery and compare these with our local approach
  3. Reviewing relevant secondary data on key indicators for LRF area and around public perception on green recovery
  4. Supporting engagement with wider communities in order to understand their views and secure their participation in shaping the framework for a green recovery

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